Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lunch: Spinach Avocado Grilled Cheese

One of the things I promised myself this summer was healthy eating. Less carbs, more veggies; one dessert per day; that was the plan. So far-- it's been ok. I seem to devour about twice as much chocolate as the average person. Oh well. It tastes good. 

Today I made something delicious for lunch. I found the recipe pinned to the food board on my Pinterest account and decided to dive in. It was delicious, felt healthy, and was a great source of vitamins and protein! So yay! I ate every last bite. 

The pin I found called them Green Goddess Grilled Cheese, but I prefer to be more detailed in names. The recipe also called for pesto, which I didn't have, but would probably make it even more delicious!

Excuse my poor photography skills. These were also taken with my iphone, so that didn't particularly help the quality!


Spinach Avocado Grilled Cheese

2-4 tablespoons pesto
1/2 of an avocado
a handful of spinach
2-4 slices mozzarella 
2-4 tablespoons goat cheese 
2 slices of bread (mine was whole wheat)

Spread the pesto on both slices of bread. Divide and place mozzarella on both slices. Pile spinach on one slice of the bread and crumple the goat cheese on top. Slice avocado thinly and place on other slice of bread. Carefully bring slices together to close the sandwich. Place in well oiled pan over low heat, flip occasionally. When the cheese is all melty and the bread all toasty you're done! Enjoy!

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